
First law of thermodynamics introduction
More on internal energy
Calculating internal energy and work example
Specific heat and latent leat of fusion and vaporization 2
Chilling water problem
Macrostates and microstates
Quasistatic and reversible processes
Work from expansion
Pv diagrams and expansion work
Chem19 calorimetry
Heat of formation
Hess s law and reaction enthalpy change
Hess s law example
Bond enthalpy and enthalpy of reaction
2015 ap chemistry free response 7
Introduction to entropy
The second law of thermodynamics
Chem20 entropy
Work done by isothermic process
Carnot cycle and carnot engine
Proof volume ratios in a carnot cycle
Proof s or entropy is a valid state variable
Thermodynamic entropy definition clarification
Reconciling thermodynamic and state definitions of entropy
Entropy intuition
More on entropy
Maxwell s demon
Gibbs free energy and spontaneity
Gibbs free energy example
More rigorous gibbs free energy spontaneity relationship
A look at a seductive but wrong gibbs spontaneity proof
Changes in free energy and the reaction quotient
Standard change in free energy and the equilibrium constant
Ap chemistry free response 2c
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