Collection of weekly GK & CA since year 2016.

July, 2020



A Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. This is a sealed tube or system of tubes with low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction. (Source: Wikipedia)

Sun, 26 Jul, 2020

Oxford University Vaccine For Novel Coronavirus

The Oxford University vaccine is based on a harmless, weakened version of a common cold virus, or adenovirus, that causes  infections in chimpanzees. The vector(the carrier) is derived from adenovirus (ChAdOx1) taken from chimpanzees (Source: The Times of India)

Sun, 26 Jul, 2020

HAMMER missiles

The Armement Air-Sol Modulaire(AASM) is a French Air-to-Ground Modular Weapon developed by Safran Electronics & Defense.
The AASM has been given the name HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range) can integrate different types of guidance units and different types of bombs. (Source: Wikipedia)

Sun, 26 Jul, 2020

Chandrakant Sompura

Chandrakant Sompura, is the man who designed a Ram temple for Ayodhya.
His father Prabhakar Sompura, was the architect of the Somnath Temple in Gujarat and the temple in Mathura. He has designed 131 temples, including the Swami Narayan Temple in Gandhinagar, Ambaji Temple in Palanpur and several others

Sun, 26 Jul, 2020

Kargil Vijay Diwas

Kargil Vijay Diwas, named after the successful Operation Vijay, is celebrated in India on 26 July. On this date in 1999 India successfully took command of the high outposts which had been lost to Pakistan. The Kargil war was fought for more than 60 days, ended on 26 July. (Source: Wikipedia)

Sun, 26 Jul, 2020

HoloBoard Mixed Reality Headset

The headset will offer virtual reality experience to its subscribers. Jio's mixed reality services will allow its subscribers to create a 3D hologram of any subject placed in front of the subscriber's eyes. Jio HoloBoard is made by a company called Tesseract which was acquired by Reliance earlier

Sat, 18 Jul, 2020

India to create its first overseas oil stockpile in US

India is moving to store oil in the US, the first time world’s third-largest oil guzzler is creating an emergency reserve abroad to take advantage of low prices and guard against possible supply disruptions. (Source: Times of India)

Sat, 18 Jul, 2020

Beetle-mounted camera streams insect adventures

Researchers have developed a tiny wireless camera that is light enough to be carried by live beetles.


The team at the University of Washington in the US drew inspiration from the insects to create its low-powered camera system. Its beetle-cam can stream to a nearby smartphone. (Source: bbc.com)

Sat, 18 Jul, 2020

Lady Singum!


Gujarat constable Sunita Yadav is now an internet sensation for stopping an MLA's son violating lockdown rules. More (Credit: NDTV)

Sat, 18 Jul, 2020

Amarnath Temple


Amarnath cave is a Hindu shrine located in Jammu and Kashmir, India. The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 m about 141 km from Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir. The shrine forms an important part of Hinduism and is considered to be one of the holiest shrines in Hinduism (Wikipedia)

Sat, 18 Jul, 2020

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia, or the Ayasofya Mosque in Istanbul that has served as a Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal cathedral, a Roman Catholic cathedral, an Ottoman mosque, and a secular museum. (Credit: Wikipedia) Turkey reconverted Hagia Sophia into a mosque following a court order. gkca-featured

Sun, 12 Jul, 2020

Personal protective equipment

PPE is protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. The plague doctors of sixteenth-century Europe also wore protective uniforms consisting of a full-length gown, helmet, glass eye coverings, gloves and boots. gkca-featured

Sun, 12 Jul, 2020


In telecommunications, 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks. The 5G networks will have greater bandwidth, giving higher download speeds, eventually up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbit/s). The increased speed is achieved partly by using higher-frequency radio waves than current cellular networks. (Credit: Wikipedia)

Sun, 12 Jul, 2020


The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has launched the ‘Aatamanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Mapping (ASEEM)’ portal to help skilled people find jobs. The ASEEM website can be accessed at "smis.nsdcindia.org". (Credit: Times of India)

Sun, 12 Jul, 2020

Camera trap wildlife survey

Largest-ever camera trap wildlife survey’ puts India in record books. Camera traps (outdoor photographic devices fitted with motion sensors that start recording when an animal passes by) were placed at 26,838 locations across 141 different sites. (Credit; Times of India)

Sun, 12 Jul, 2020

Veer Bhogya Vasundhara

'Veer Bhogya Vasundhara' or 'The Brave Shall Inherit the Earth', is the motto that drives the soldiers of the Rajputana Rifles to be their bravest and most courageous, every single day.

Sun, 05 Jul, 2020

Private trains expected to begin operations by April 2023

The Railways on Wednesday invited Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for operation of passenger trains by private operators on 109 routes with 151 modern trains. This project is expected to attract ₹30,000 crore in private investment. (Credit: The Hindu)

Sun, 05 Jul, 2020

Retired Gorkha soldiers to get J&K domicile

The Gurkhas or Gorkhas are soldiers native to the Indian subcontinent of Nepalese nationality and ethnic Nepalis of Indian nationality. There are Gurkha military units in the Nepalese, British and Indian armies enlisted in Nepal, United Kingdom and India.

Sun, 05 Jul, 2020


Nasa's next Mars rover will be called Perseverance. The name came out of a schools competition that drew 28,000 entries. The Perseverance rover will begin the process of trying to bring rocks back to Earth for study. (Credit: https://www.bbc.com/)

Sun, 05 Jul, 2020

Convalescent plasma therapy

An experimental treatment that some doctors are using for people with severe Corona virus disease. The people who've recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies — proteins the body uses to fight off infections. The blood from people who've recovered is called convalescent plasma. Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood. (Credit: mayoclinic.org)

Sun, 05 Jul, 2020